Page Counter does not track n-up document feature (multiple pages on one page)
  • 28 Mar 2024
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Page Counter does not track n-up document feature (multiple pages on one page)

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  • PDF

Article summary

A PDF or PowerPoint document with multiple slides or "pages" per page that is printed page counts and charges for the total number of slides or "pages", rather than the actual pages that are printed out.

The problem will be the document has 5,000+ separate images. Our page counter has a default limit of 5,000 before it falls back to a more simple method of page counting, which picks up most document features, but not the feature which fits multiple "pages" onto one page (this feature is known as "n-up" printing).

The reason we limit the page counter is to prevent extremely complex documents from holding up the page counter and hogging system resources. Documents with a large number of images take a lot of CPU time and memory to process.

You can up the image limit, however it is only recommended if you have a high end print server (e.g. dual CPU, 2GB+ memory) to be able to cope with these documents. Apply the following registry key to you print server to increase the page limit to 15,000:

"ps subfile limit"=dword:00003a98

Note: In some cases the value may need to be set higher than 15,000.

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