Signup Block Reservations no longer show in the Nerve Center
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Signup Block Reservations no longer show in the Nerve Center

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Article summary


When creating a Block reservation in the Nerve Center it is not being shown/displayed.


Uniprint 8.3 and greater


The issue you are seeing is due to a Microsoft bug with properly displaying and interacting with the block reservations when the strings are beyond a certain length.  Reconfiguring your server as instructed below will side-step the MS problem as the patch MS came out with did not resolve the issue beyond being able to see the block reservations whereas before the page would not draw the block reservations list at all (there is still no ability to edit).  The adjustment below will make interacting with the block reservations function normally again.  Since the issue is related to IIS and ASP pages, it only needs to be done on the machine running/hosting the Nerve Center.  Issuing a Change Control in the Pharos Administrator after should update the SignUp server with the block reservations you have cleared, but that may not push back down to the clients.  You may need to recreate one and then clear it in order for the clients to realize that the reservation has been cleared as simply deleting it from the database tables does not inform the client of the change (hence the attempt to try to push the update out to the clients via change control).

  1. On the Nerve Center (SignUp) server, open Windows "Component Services" under START > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services

  2. Expand Component Services > Computers > My Computer > COM+ Applications

  3. Open the Properties window for Pharos Uniprint

  4. Go to the Activation tab

  5. Change the Application Type to "Library Application"

  6. A warning appears, but it's safe to ignore (click OK)

  7. Restart IIS and "Pharos SignUp Server" service

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