A user sees another user's jobs when logging in to a Pharos Systems terminal (Omega, iMFP)
  • 03 Apr 2024
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A user sees another user's jobs when logging in to a Pharos Systems terminal (Omega, iMFP)

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Article summary


  • Pharos Uniprint

  • Pharos Blueprint

  • Pharos Omega PS60 Terminal

  • Pharos Omega PS150 Terminal

  • Pharos Omega PS200 Terminal

  • Pharos iMFP for Canon

  • Pharos iMFP for Hewlett-Packard

  • Pharos iMFP for Konica-Minolta

  • Pharos iMFP for Xerox

  • Pharos iMFP for Ricoh

  • Pharos iMFP for Sharp

  • Lexmark eDAS Terminal


  • Other users' jobs appear in list when logging in to terminal.


This is most often due to sessions being cached in IIS, which in turn carries to the EDI service. Session caching is new to IIS 7. It's great for many things, but if your content is tied to the session ID (as terminal sessions are), you run into problems.


To remove session caching:

  1. In IIS Manager, select the PharosEDI item.

  2. In the Features section (the middle of the display), double click "Output Caching."

  3. There will probably not be anything listed there, so click the "Add…" action.

  4. Enter .aspx for the "File Name Extension."

  5. Check "User-mode caching" and then select "Prevent all caching."

  6. Do the same for "Kernel-mode caching."

  7. Click OK.

The effect is immediate, but it advised to engage an IISRESET in an administrative command prompt.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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