Which printer drivers are supported by Pharos Uniprint and Blueprint?
  • 02 Apr 2024
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Which printer drivers are supported by Pharos Uniprint and Blueprint?

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Article summary

Which printer drivers are supported by Pharos products?

In general, the Pharos Uniprint and Blueprint products do not specifically support a printer manufacturer or model over another. Instead, our software has support for various Page Description Languages (PDLs) that are normally encountered in most print environments.

The Pharos Page Counter that is used in Pharos Uniprint & Pharos Blueprint supports any printer that uses one of the following Page Description Languages (PDLs):

  • CAPT

  • CPCA

  • DSC

  • EMF1

  • ESC/P22

  • ESC/Page2

  • HP-GL/2

  • HP-JetReady

  • HP-RTL

  • IBMProPrinter

  • PCL (3,4,5,5c and 5e)


  • PDF3

  • PJL

  • PostScript (1,2 and 3)

  • Text

  • HBPL

  • LEMF

  • XJT

  • ZIMF

  • ZjStream

  • Canon UFR II4

If there is a PDL used by a driver not on this list, the data captured by the Pharos product may be different than what was expected based on the job parameters defined. Pharos may, based on cooperation from the driver manufacturer, modify our Page Counter to include a currently-unsupported PDL. Please contact Pharos Systems Technical Support to begin this process.


  1. The EMF format has basic support, but prior to a hotfix recently released for Uniprint 8.0, some job attributes would not be transferred with the print job.  This affected certain printing features, such as watermarks or multiple pages per sheet (n-up).  The hotfix addresses this issues, but in some cases colour detection or other features still may not work correctly with the EMF format.

  2. The Stylus Pro line of EPSON printers need to be switched from the native, proprietary language to ESC/P2 to work. This is done by going into Properties > Advanced > Preferences > Utility > Speed and Progress > Processed by Printer ; this is on by default, switch it off to get ESC/P2.

  3. PDF spool files are quite rare, and not fully supported by the page counter.  Basic support exists to determine page size and count, but colour detection does not work.  If possible, it is recommended to use a PostScript driver, or another better supported PDL.

  4. Color detection may not work correctly in all cases. Some embedded monochrome images may be detected as color.  Please follow Canon's recommended load for this driver.  If problems exist, upgrade the iR/iR-Adv to the Multi-PDL Board or imagePASS accessory.

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